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This data set is an archive of original data for the seismic reflection surveys conducted by the National Coal Board (NCB) and its successor, British Coal Corporation (BCC). The data consists of observers' logs, surveyors' reports, (some 3000 files of written records), location data, field data records and processed data. The processed data are at various stages of processing from demultiplexed field data to migrated stack (not all available for all profiles). The data were originally recorded on over 13000 tapes and have been transcribed to more modern media in Tape Image Format (TIF/ARC) to retain the tape block integrity. These data are owned by the Coal Authority (CA), as successor to the NCB and BCC, BGS being the custodian under an agreement with the CA. The Coal authority surveys cover various areas in the UK, shot and processed or reprocessed between 1973-94. There is at an initial estimate half a terabyte of Coal Authority data. The seismic data will be stored as standard format SEGY files which can be read by a variety of software packages designed to manipulate seismic data. Catalogue available.
The Marine Photographs Archive held by BGS includes photographs of hydrocarbon well and (non-hydrocarbon) marine boreholes, cores and other samples. There are also photographs of the seabed and survey operations. The photos are primarily for the UKCS (United Kingdom Continental Shelf) and surrounding areas and date from the 1970s onwards. The photographs, which are a mix of prints, negatives and digital are applicable to a wide range of uses including environmental, geotechnical and geological studies. There are also some x-rays of cores.
This digital data set contains original files of seismic reflection survey sections. Most data are within the UK Onshore area; although there are some UK near-shore and offshore (North Sea, Irish Sea) and foreign data. Most data were acquired for commercial hydrocarbon exploration and subsequently provided to BGS for use on specific projects. Some data were acquired by BGS and other public-sector bodies, e.g. BIRPS (British Institutions Reflection Profiling Syndicate), for academic research. These data are used for workstation-based interpretation. Some are kept as archive copies. There are approximately 50 tapes and 15 Exabyte cartridges. The data are mostly concentrated in areas prospective for coal, oil and gas.
This digital data set contains original files of seismic reflection survey location (navigation) data and dates from the late 1970s. These provide location information for the Digital Seismic Sections data set (DIGSEISECS) and some of the printed seismic sections of the Original Seismic Sections dataset (ORIGSEISECS) and Copy Seismic Sections dataset (COPYSEISECS). Most data are within the UK Onshore area; although there are some UK near-shore and offshore (North Sea, Irish Sea) and foreign data. Most data were acquired for commercial hydrocarbon exploration and subsequently provided to BGS for use on specific projects. Some data were acquired by BGS (British Geological Survey) and other public-sector bodies, e.g. BIRPS (The British Institutions Reflection Profiling Syndicate), for academic research. The data are used with the Seismic Locations and Sections Database (LOCSEC) and for workstation-based interpretation. There are approximately 20 tapes and 15 Exabyte cartridges. The data are mostly concentrated in coal, oil and gas prospecting areas.
This dataset is an archive of original data for the geophysical logging of boreholes drilled by the National Coal Board (NCB) and its successor, British Coal Corporation (BCC). Data coverage is UK wide and dates from the 1970's to the privatisation of the coal mining industry, in 1994. The dataset includes approximately 2000 field data recording tapes and processed data tapes. The processed data tapes are at various stages of processing and consist of edited data and computed (CSU) data (not available for all boreholes). The data are kept as archive copies. The data are owned by the Coal Authority (CA), as successor to the NCB and BCC, BGS being the custodian under an agreement with the Coal Authority. No full catalogue or index available yet.
Register of microfossil analyses carried out in the Leeds and London Office during the 1970s and 1980s held in book form and in box files. They are arranged as follows: SAA 1-4409 Calcareous Microfossils onshore; SAB1-3229 Calcareous Microfossils (London) Jurassic onshore; SAC1-3247 Calcareous microfossils (Leeds) Jurassic and Cretaceous onshore; SAD1-1593 Palaeozoic microfossils onshore; SAG 1-2062 Chalk foraminifera onshore; SAY1-1888 Calcareous microfossils offshore; SAZ1-2261 Calcareous microfossils from Continental Shelf (South).
All data dictionaries held in Oracle. They include both administrative (e.g. codes for companies), scientific (e.g. codes for deformation episodes) and geographic (e.g. codes for countries). Typically, they are used to constrain the allowable values held in other Oracle datasets. In some cases they are an implementation of the classifications that the BGS uses in its work.