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  • The Sparsholt College-South Wonston water station radio links data describe signal levels of several links at a frequency of 38 Ghz, which covered a path of 5km from the South Wonston water tower near the A34 to Sparsholt College. The data were collected between October 2002 and April 2005. The radio link between Sparsholt college and the Wonston water tower is used to investigate the effects of rain and sleet on radio signals.

  • The ESA Sea Surface Salinity Climate Change Initiative (CCI) consortium has produced global, level 4, multi-sensor Sea Surface Salinity maps covering the 2010-2020 period. This dataset provides Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) data at a spatial resolution of 25 km and a time resolution of 1 month. This has been spatially sampled on a 25 km EASE (Equal Area Scalable Earth) grid and 15 days of time sampling. A weekly product is also available. In addition to salinity, information on errors are provided. For more information, see the user guide and other product documentation available from the linked Sea Surface Salinity CCI web page. Compared to the previous version of the data, version 3 SSS and associated uncertainties are more precise and cover a longer period (Jan 2010-sept 2020); version 3 SSS are provided closer to land than version 2 SSS, with a possible degraded quality. Users might remove these additional near land data by using the lsc_qc flag.

  • Cloud properties derived from the AVHRR instrument on NOAA-17 by the ESA Cloud CCI project. The L3U datasets consists of cloud properties from L2 data granules remapped to a global space grid of 0.1 degree in latitiude and longitude, without combining any observations from overlapping orbits; only sampling is done. Common notations for this processing level are also L2b and L2G. Data is provided with a temporal resolution of 1 day. This dataset is version 1.0 data from Phase 1 of the CCI project.

  • This dataset contains Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) Quasi-global satellite and observation based precipitation estimates over land from 1981 to near-real time. Spanning 50°S-50°N (and all longitudes), starting in 1981 to near-present, CHIRPS incorporates 0.05° resolution satellite imagery with in-situ station data to create gridded rainfall time series for trend analysis and seasonal drought monitoring.

  • Data were collected by the Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research (CFARR) Meteorological Sensor from 2001 to present at Chilbolton, Hampshire. The standard meteorological measurements are made at Chilbolton in support of all experiments at the Observatory. The data are automatically recorded every 10 seconds from a range of different sensors. The dataset contains measurements including temperature, dew point, pressure, wind speed and wind direction.

  • Data were collected by the Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research (CFARR) Infra-Red Radiometer from 10th of May 2001 to the present at Chilbolton, Hampshire. The dataset contains measurements for both sky and surface emitted infrared radiation, from 4.5 to 42 µm.