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  • This document data set contains paper copies of selected geophysical borehole logs made from the master data set held by the BGS National Geological Records Centre (NGRC) at Keyworth. These have been made for interpretation. Most data are within the UK onshore area; although there are some UK near-shore and offshore (North Sea, Irish Sea) and foreign data. Most data were acquired for commercial hydrocarbon exploration and subsequently provided to BGS for use on specific projects. Some data were acquired by BGS and other public-sector bodies for research purposes (e.g. geothermal energy). The documents are dyeline prints or plain-paper photocopies. They are stored folded in boxes, approx 20 logs per box, approx 500 boxes. There are some duplicates. Only a sub-set of the available borehole logs have been copied, usually for deep boreholes or boreholes of special significance in the interpretation of seismic data. Mostly concentrated in areas prospective for coal, oil and gas.