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  • This dataset includes the CNRM-CM5 model output prepared for SPECS SoilMoistureInit (1991-2012). These data were prepared by the Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques, as part of the SPECS project. Model id is CNRM-CM5, frequency is daily. Arpege V5.1 is the underlying model, 31 vertical levels (CNRM-CM5 2013 atmosphere:Arpege (tl127l91r); ocean:Nemo (Orca1); sea-ice:Gelato; land:isba. Atmospheric variables are: hfls hfss pr psl rlds rls rsds rss ta tas tasmax tasmin zg

  • This dataset includes the ECMWF-IFS model output prepared for SPECS seasonal (1981-2012). These data were prepared by the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF), as part of the SPECS project. Model id is IFS (IFS C36R4), frequency is daily and monthly. Daily Atmospheric variables are: rlut Monthly atmos variables: al clt hfls hfss mrso pr psl rls rsds rss snld tas tdps uas vas Monthly ocean variables: mlotst sos t20d thetao tos uo vo

  • This dataset includes the CNRM-CM5-HRA-LRO model output prepared for SPECS horizlResImpact (1993-2009). These data were prepared by the Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques, as part of the SPECS project. Model id is CNRM-CM5-HRA-LRO, frequency is daily, associated model is atmo HR ocean LR. Arpege V5.1 is the underlying model (CNRM-CM5 2013 atmosphere:Arpege (tl359l31r); ocean:Nemo (Orca1); sea-ice:none; land:isba). variables available are: - Precipitation flux (pr) in kg m-2 s-1 - Air Temperature (tas) in deg K - Max Air temperature (tasmax) deg K - Min Air temperature (tasmin) deg K - Geopotential height (zg) in metres - Air Pressure at sea level (psl) in Pa

  • This dataset includes the KNMI EC-EARTH2 model output prepared for SPECS (1919-1949). These data were prepared by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), as part of the SPECS project. Model id is EC-EARTH2 (EC-EARTH2 v2.3 official release from ECMWF), frequency is 6 hourly, daily and monthly. 6-hourly Atmospheric variables are: clt psl tas tdps uas vas Daily Atmospheric variables are: pr rls rlut rsds tasmax tasmin Monthly atmos variables: al hfls pr rls rsds snld tas tasmin uas zg clt hfss psl rlut rss ta tasmax tdps vas Monthly ocean variables: mlotst msftmyz msftmyza sos thetao tos uo vo wo zos Monthly seaIce variables: sic sit snd tsice usi vsi

  • This dataset includes the MPI-ESM-MR model output prepared for SPECS seasonal (1981-2011). These data were prepared by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M), as part of the SPECS project. Model id is MPI-ESM-MR (MPI-ESM-MR 2011; URL:; atmosphere: ECHAM6 (REV: 4339), T63L47; land: JSBACH (REV: 4339); ocean: MPIOM (REV: 4339), GR15L40; sea ice: 4339; marine bgc: HAMOCC (REV: 4339)), frequency is daily and monthly. Daily Atmospheric variables are: clt hfls hfss mrso pr prc psl rlds rlut rsds tas uas vas Monthly atmos variables: hus pr psl ta tas ua va zg Monthly ocean variables: mlotst tos Monthly land variables: mrro mrso

  • This dataset includes the IPSL-CM5A-LR model output prepared for SPECS seasonal (1961-2013). These data were prepared by the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (Paris, France), as part of the SPECS project. Model id is IPSL-CM5A-LR (IPSL-CM5A-LR (2010) : atmos : LMDZ4 (LMDZ4_v5, 96x95x39); ocean : ORCA2 (NEMOV2_3, 2x2L31); seaIce : LIM2 (NEMOV2_3); ocnBgchem : PISCES (NEMOV2_3); land : ORCHIDEE (orchidee_1_9_4_AR5)), frequency is daily and monthly. Daily Atmospheric variables are: clt pr psl rls rlut rsds ta tas tasmax tasmin uas vas zg Fixed Atmospheric variables are: sftlf Fixed Land variables are: sftgif Fixed Ocean variables are: goro Monthly atmos variables: al hfls pr rls rsds rss ta tasmax uas zg clt hfss psl rlut rsdt rsut tas tasmin vas Monthly ocean variables: hfnorth hfnorthba msftmyz msftmyzba sltnortha t20d tos vo hfnortha mlotst msftmyza sltnorth sos thetao uo Monthly land variables: mrso Monthly SeaIce variables: sic sit snld

  • This dataset includes the CNRM-CM5-LRA-LRO model output prepared for SPECS horizlResImpact (1993-2009). These data were prepared by the Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques, as part of the SPECS project. Model id is CNRM-CM5-LRA-LRO, frequency is daily, associated model is atmo LR ocean LR. Arpege V5.1 is the underlying model (CNRM-CM5 2013 atmosphere:Arpege (tl127l31r); ocean:Nemo (Orca1); sea-ice:none; land:isba). variables available are: - Precipitation flux (pr) in kg m-2 s-1 - Air Temperature (tas) in deg K - Max Air temperature (tasmax) deg K - Min Air temperature (tasmin) deg K - Geopotential height (zg) in metres - Air Pressure at sea level (psl) in Pa

  • This dataset includes the CNRM-CM5 model output prepared for SPECS snowInit (1991-2012). These data were prepared by the Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques, as part of the SPECS project. Model id is CNRM-CM5, frequency is daily, associated model is atmo HR ocean HR. Arpege V5.1 is the underlying model, 31 vertical levels (CNRM-CM5 2013 atmosphere:Arpege (tl127l91r); ocean:Nemo (Orca1); sea-ice:Gelato; land:isba. Atmospheric variables are: hfls hfss pr psl rlds rls rsds rss ta tas tasmax tasmin zg

  • This dataset includes the CERFACS-HR model output prepared for SPECS horizlResImpact (1993-2009). These data were prepared by the European Centre for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computation (CERFACS), as part of the SPECS project. Model id is CERFACS-HR (atmosphere: ARPEGE v5.3; ocean: NEMO v3.4 including LIM2 sea-ice; coupler: OASIS3-MCT v2.0" ), frequency is daily and monthly. Daily Atmospheric variables are: snld Daily Ocean variables: mlotst t20d Daily sea ice variables: sic tsice Monthly sea ice variables: sic sit snld strairx strairy tsice usi vsi Monthly ocean variables: mlotst so t20d thetao tos uo vo wo zos

  • This dataset represents a collation of surface measurements of nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and isoprene (C5H8) from publicly available data sets (of hourly, daily and monthly resolutions), for the aim of improved evaluation of surface ozone in global atmospheric chemistry models. Measurements begin in 1980 running through to 2015. The data comes in a range of formats, with a plethora of associated data quality issues, requiring substantial cleaning before being able to be utilised for model assessment. 1,033,463,750 measurements from 16,996 sites are processed through numerous data quality checks, resulting in 76,413,458 observations from 1607 sites of appropriate quality (with the majority of excluded observations due to urban influence). Observations are heavily weighted towards North America and Europe, with generally sparse coverage over the rest of the globe (with the exception of CO). See documentation for more details. Data is provided as multiple globally gridded output files, each consisting of a series of metrics designed to reflect the distributions of the observed ozone precursor species, allowing fair and easy comparison with global models. Metrics include the moments of the distribution (i.e. mean, temporal standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis) and percentiles. A total of 80 different netCDF-4 files are produced, with metrics calculated in multiple temporal (monthly and annual) and spatial configurations (8 different resolutions), for each different species. The format of the output netCDF-4 files is designed to be consistent with the related dataset which compiled surface ozone observations (v2.7).