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  • Scanned images of the records of all onshore Great Britain (or near shore) boreholes, trial pits, shafts and wells held in the BGS archives in either paper, microfilm or digital format. The records range from simple single page lithological logs through to hydrocarbon completion reports. Current collection over 1million records with 50,000 new records added per annum. Scanning started in 2002 and is ongoing with new records being scanned and added to the collection.

  • Scanned images of the records of onshore Great Britain (or near shore) site investigation reports held in the BGS archives in paper, microfilm or digital format. The entire collections in BGS Edinburgh have been scanned, but in BGS Keyworth currently only new reports received since 2002. Scanning started in 2002 and is ongoing with new records being scanned and added to the collection. Images are stored in TIFF format (Tagged Image File Format). Indexed on the site investigation database and the boreholes within the report, and their images, are associated via the borehole database.

  • Records of all onshore (or near shore) boreholes, trial pits, shafts and wells held in the BGS archives in either paper, microfilm or digital format. The records range from simple single page lithological logs through to hydrocarbon completion reports. Spatial coverage will vary considerably depending on drilling activity, collecting activity and donations. The majority of new data is from site investigation reports with concentrations in urban areas and along transport routes. Current collection over 1million records covering the whole of Great Britain with 50,000 new records added per annum. Some records date back to 1600 but the majority date from 1900 onwards. Copies of records are available in hard copy or digital formats subject to confidentiality.