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  • Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) mission was funded jointly by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change External Link (DECC) and the Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research External Link (DIISR). This dataset contains the Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer on ESA ENVISAT satellite (AATSR) Spatially Averaged Sea Surface Temperature Product for Meteo Users. These data are the Level 2 product designed for the use by meteorological offices derived from Level 2 AST product. The product contains only the sea surface temperature with spatial resolution of 10 arc minutes. It also contains Average Brightness Temperature (ABT) fields, which includes brightness temperature and TOA sea record on the same spatial resolution. Like the AST product this product is derived from, all areas contains data, where the land pixels have empty data, and the coasts containing averages derived only from the sea pixels in the cell. The third reprocessing was done to implement the updated algorithms, processors (the IPF Processor 6.05 from the IPF Processor 6.01), and auxiliary files.

  • Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) mission was funded jointly by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change External Link (DECC) and the Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research External Link (DIISR). This dataset contains the Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) on ESA ENVISAT satellite Three Band Colour Composite Browse Product. These data are 3 band colour composite, quick-look images at coarse resolution. This product has been derived from the Level 1B product and auxiliary data. The three bands are selected to best show the feature of the image, and it could vary between daylight time and night time. It also includes geolocation grid. The third reprocessing was done to implement updated algorithms, processors (the IPF Processor 6.05 from the IPF Processor 6.01), and auxiliary files.

  • Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) mission was funded jointly by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change External Link (DECC) and the Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research External Link (DIISR). This dataset contains the Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer on ESA ENVISAT satellite (AATSR) Gridded Brightness Temperature/Reflectance (GBTR) Product. These data are the Level 1B product that consists of Top of Atmosphere (TOA) radiance measurements and brightness temperatures at full resolution for both the nadir and forward views. The product is calibrated for instrumental and atmospheric effects and re-sampled to a fixed grid aligned to the sub-satellite track. This product is derived from the Level 0 product and auxiliary data, and serves as the input data for all Level 2 products. The third reprocessing was done to implement the updated algorithms, processors (the IPF Processor 6.05 from the IPF Processor 6.01), and auxiliary files.

  • Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) mission was funded jointly by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change External Link (DECC) and the Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research External Link (DIISR). This dataset contains the Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) on ESA ENVISAT satellite L2P product. These data are full resolution data with dual-view Sea Surface Temperature (SST) values. Version 3.0 of this dataset is produced with the ARC L2P processor version 1.2, which replaces the ARC SST processor. The processor applies its own algorithm to generate SST data from the Level 1B Data. This method differs from that used to produce the Gridded Surface Temperature (GST) products. This product also includes the ATSR Saharan Dust index (ASDI) and the clear-sky probability estimated by the ARC cloud detection algorithm.

  • The Cloud and Water Vapour Experiment (CWAVE) was a measurement campaign at the CCLRC-Chilbolton Observatory; it was supporting associated with two EC FP5 projects, CLOUDMAP2 and CLOUDNET. A wide range of satellite and ground based instruments measured a variety of atmospheric properties ranging from cloud parameters to water vapour. In addition, the measurements coincided with the results from a reduced resolution Unified Model (UM) run by the Met Office. This dataset contains advanced along-track scanning radiometer measurements.

  • The ESA Climate Change Initiative Aerosol project has produced a number of global aerosol Essential Climate Variable (ECV) products from a set of European satellite instruments with different characteristics. This dataset comprises Level 2 aerosol products from the AATSR instrument on the ENVISAT satellite, derived using the Swansea University (SU) algorithm, version 4.3. It covers the period from 2002 - 2012. For further details about these data products please see the linked documentation.

  • The ESA Climate Change Initiative Aerosol project has produced a number of global aerosol Essential Climate Variable (ECV) products from a set of European satellite instruments with different characteristics. This dataset comprises Level 3 daily and monthly gridded aerosol products from the AATSR instrument on ENVISAT, derived using the ORAC algorithm, version 4.01. Both daily and monthly gridded products are available For further details about these data products please see the linked documentation.

  • The ESA Climate Change Initiative Aerosol project has produced a number of global aerosol Essential Climate Variable (ECV) products from a set of European satellite instruments with different characteristics. This dataset comprises the Level 3 aerosol monthly products from AATSR, using the Swansea University (SU) algorithm, version 4.2. For further details about these data products please see the documentation.

  • The ESA Climate Change Initiative Aerosol project has produced a number of global aerosol Essential Climate Variable (ECV) products from a set of European satellite instruments with different characteristics. This dataset comprises Level 2 aerosol products from the AATSR instrument on the ENVISAT satellite, derived using the ORAC algorithm, version 4.01. For further details about these data products please see the linked documentation.

  • The ESA Climate Change Initiative Aerosol project has produced a number of global aerosol Essential Climate Variable (ECV) products from a set of European satellite instruments with different characteristics. This dataset comprises Level 2 aerosol products from the AATSR instrument on ENVISAT, derived using the ADV algorithm, version 2.31. Data is available for the period 2002-2012. For further details about these data products please see the linked documentation.