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  • This dataset contains cloud condensation nuclei measurements. Oxidant and Particle Photochemical Processes above a South-East Asian tropical rain forest (OP3-Danum-08) is a 3-year Consortium Grant of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), beginning 1 October 2007. The objectives of the OP3 project are (i) to understand how emissions of reactive trace gases from a tropical rain forest mediate the production and processing of oxidants and particles in the troposphere, and (ii) to better understand the impact of these processes on local, regional and global scale atmospheric composition, chemistry and climate.

  • This dataset contains cloud condensation nuclei measurements. Oxidant and Particle Photochemical Processes above a South-East Asian tropical rain forest (OP3-Danum-08) is a 3-year Consortium Grant of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), beginning 1 October 2007. The objectives of the OP3 project are (i) to understand how emissions of reactive trace gases from a tropical rain forest mediate the production and processing of oxidants and particles in the troposphere, and (ii) to better understand the impact of these processes on local, regional and global scale atmospheric composition, chemistry and climate.

  • The Brazil-UK Network for Investigation of Amazonian Atmospheric Composition and Impacts on Climate (BUNIAACIC) collaboration was a NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded project (NE/I030178/1) This project aimed to develop a coherent strategy for UK studies of atmospheric composition and impacts in the Amazon. This dataset contains humidity and aerosol measurements from the Manchester Hygroscopicity Tandem Differential Mobility Analyser (man-htdma)

  • The Brazil-UK Network for Investigation of Amazonian Atmospheric Composition and Impacts on Climate (BUNIAACIC) collaboration was a NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded project (NE/I030178/1) This project aimed to develop a coherent strategy for UK studies of atmospheric composition and impacts in the Amazon. This dataset contains black carbon measurements by the Manchester Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAN-MAAP-BC)

  • The Brazil-UK Network for Investigation of Amazonian Atmospheric Composition and Impacts on Climate (BUNIAACIC) collaboration was a NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded project (NE/I030178/1) This project aimed to develop a coherent strategy for UK studies of atmospheric composition and impacts in the Amazon. This dataset contains measurements from the Aerodyne Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor operated by Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP-ACSM)

  • The Brazil-UK Network for Investigation of Amazonian Atmospheric Composition and Impacts on Climate (BUNIAACIC) collaboration was a NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded project (NE/I030178/1) This project aimed to develop a coherent strategy for UK studies of atmospheric composition and impacts in the Amazon. This dataset contains cloud condensation nuclei measurements.

  • Microphysics of Antarctic Clouds (MAC) is a active NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded project (NE/K01305X/1). This dataset collection contains NAME dispersion footprints model plots. The largest uncertainties in future climate predictions highlighted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC 2007) arise from our lack of knowledge of the interaction of clouds with solar and terrestrial radiation (Dufresene & Bony, 2008). In Antarctica clouds play a major role in determining the continent's ice sheet radiation budget, its surface mass balance and ozone climatology. However in spite of this there are few in situ measurements of cloud properties, aerosol numbers, Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) or Ice Nuclei (IN) with the main focus being on remote sensing data sets (see the review by Bromwich et al 2012). As a result the skill in climate and forecast models at high latitudes is significantly poorer than at mid latitudes. In this project a more representative of the Antarctic continent's coastal region was used. It is in this coastal region that clouds will have the biggest impact on the climate as in the interior of the continent the total cloud cover is less (Lachlan-Cope 2010) and those clouds that exist are more tenuous. To achieve this flights were conducted from the Halley research station.

  • Microphysics of Antarctic Clouds (MAC) is an active NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded project (NE/K01305X/1). This dataset collection contains NAME dispersion footprints model plots, model output and data in-situ observations from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Masin twin-otter aircraft. The largest uncertainties in future climate predictions highlighted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC 2007) arise from our lack of knowledge of the interaction of clouds with solar and terrestrial radiation (Dufresene & Bony, 2008). In Antarctica clouds play a major role in determining the continent's ice sheet radiation budget, its surface mass balance and ozone climatology. However in spite of this there are few in situ measurements of cloud properties, aerosol numbers, Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) or Ice Nuclei (IN) with the main focus being on remote sensing data sets (see the review by Bromwich et al 2012). As a result the skill in climate and forecast models at high latitudes is significantly poorer than at mid latitudes. In this project a more representative of the Antarctic continent's coastal region was used. It is in this coastal region that clouds will have the biggest impact on the climate as in the interior of the continent the total cloud cover is less (Lachlan-Cope 2010) and those clouds that exist are more tenuous. To achieve this flights were conducted from the Halley research station.