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  • This dataset contains monthly 1 degree averages of sea surface temperature data in Obs4MIPS format, from the European Space Agency (ESA)'s Climate Change Initiatve (CCI) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) v2.1 analysis. The data covers the period from 1981-2017, with the data from 1981 to 2016 coming from the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) project of the ESA CCI project. The data for 2017 were generated using the same approach but under funding from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). This particular product has been generated for inclusion in Obs4MIPs (Observations for Model Intercomparisons Project), which is an activity to make observational products more accessible for climate model intercomparisons. Data are made freely and openly available under a Creative Commons License by Attribution (CC By 4.0) When citing this dataset please also cite the associated data paper: Merchant, C.J., Embury, O., Bulgin, C.E., Block T., Corlett, G.K., Fiedler, E., Good, S.A., Mittaz, J., Rayner, N.A., Berry, D., Eastwood, S., Taylor, M., Tsushima, Y., Waterfall, A., Wilson, R., Donlon, C. Satellite-based time-series of sea-surface temperature since 1981 for climate applications, Scientific Data 6:223 (2019).

  • The ESA Sea Surface Salinity Climate Change Initiative (CCI) consortium has produced global, level 4, multi-sensor Sea Surface Salinity maps covering the 2010-2020 period. This dataset provides Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) data at a spatial resolution of 25 km and a time resolution of 1 month. This has been spatially sampled on a 25 km EASE (Equal Area Scalable Earth) grid and 15 days of time sampling. A weekly product is also available. In addition to salinity, information on errors are provided. For more information, see the user guide and other product documentation available from the linked Sea Surface Salinity CCI web page. Compared to the previous version of the data, version 3 SSS and associated uncertainties are more precise and cover a longer period (Jan 2010-sept 2020); version 3 SSS are provided closer to land than version 2 SSS, with a possible degraded quality. Users might remove these additional near land data by using the lsc_qc flag.

  • This v2.0 SST_cci Level 4 Analysis Climate Data Record (CDR) provides a globally-complete daily analysis of sea surface temperature (SST) on a 0.05 degree regular latitude-longitude grid. It combines the orbit data from the Advanced High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) SST_cci Climate Data Records, using a data assimilation method to provide SSTs where there were no measurements. These data cover the period between 09/1981 and 12/2016. The dataset has been produced as part of the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative Sea Surface Temperature project(ESA SST_cci). The data products from SST CCI accurately map the surface temperature of the global oceans over the period 1981 to 2016 using observations from many satellites. The data provide independently quantified SSTs to a quality suitable for climate research. Data are made freely and openly available under a Creative Commons License by Attribution (CC By 4.0) .

  • The ESA Sea Surface Salinity Climate Change Initiative (CCI) consortium has produced global, level 4, multi-sensor Sea Surface Salinity maps covering the 2010-2020 period. This dataset contains Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) v03.21 data at a spatial resolution of 50 km and a time resolution of 1 week. It has been spatially sampled on a 25 km EASE (Equal Area Scalable Earth) grid and 1 day of time sampling. A monthly product is also available. In addition to salinity, information on errors are provided. For more information see the user guide and other product documentation available from the linked Sea Surface Salinity CCI web page). Compared to the previous version of the data, version 3 SSS and associated uncertainties are more precise and cover a longer period (Jan 2010-sept 2020); version 3 SSS are provided closer to land than version 2 SSS, with a possible degraded quality. Users might remove these additional near land data by using the lsc_qc flag.

  • This v2.0 SST_cci Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Level 2 Preprocessed (L2P) Climate Data Record (CDR) consists of stable, low-bias sea surface temperature (SST) data from the AVHRR series of satellite instruments. It covers the period between 08/1981 and 12/2016. This L2P product provides these SST data on the original satellite swath with a single orbit of data per file. The dataset has been produced as part of the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative Sea Surface Temperature project(ESA SST_cci). The data products from SST CCI accurately map the surface temperature of the global oceans over the period 1981 to 2016 using observations from many satellites. The data provide independently quantified SSTs to a quality suitable for climate research. Data are made freely and openly available under a Creative Commons License by Attribution (CC By 4.0)

  • This v2.0 SST_cci Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Level 3 Collated (L3C) Climate Data Record (CDR) consists of stable, low-bias sea surface temperature (SST) data from the AVHRR series of satellite instruments. It covers the period 08/1981 - 12/2016. This L3C product provides these SST data on a 0.05 regular latitude-longitude grid and collated to include all orbits for a day (separated into daytime and nighttime files). The dataset has been produced as part of the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative Sea Surface Temperature project(ESA SST_cci). The data products from SST CCI accurately map the surface temperature of the global oceans over the period 1981 to 2016 using observations from many satellites. The data provide independently quantified SSTs to a quality suitable for climate research. Data are made freely and openly available under a Creative Commons License by Attribution (CC By 4.0) .

  • This v2.0 SST_cci Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) Level 3 Collated (L3C) Climate Data Record (CDR) consists of stable, low-bias sea surface temperature (SST) data from the ATSR series of satellite instruments. It covers the period 11/1991 - 04/2012. This L3C product provides these SST data on a 0.05 regular latitude-longitude grid and collated to include all orbits for a day (separated into daytime and nighttime files). The dataset has been produced as part of the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative Sea Surface Temperature project(ESA SST_cci). The data products from SST CCI accurately map the surface temperature of the global oceans over the period 1981 to 2016 using observations from many satellites. The data provide independently quantified SSTs to a quality suitable for climate research. Data are made freely and openly available under a Creative Commons License by Attribution (CC By 4.0) .

  • This v2.1 SST_cci Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) Level 3 Collated (L3C) Climate Data Record (CDR) consists of stable, low-bias sea surface temperature (SST) data from the ATSR series of satellite instruments. It covers the period between 11/1991 and 04/2012. This L3C product provides these SST data on a 0.05 regular latitude-longitude grid and collated to include all orbits for a day (separated into daytime and nighttime files). The dataset has been produced as part of the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative Sea Surface Temperature project(ESA SST_cci). The data products from SST_cci accurately map the surface temperature of the global oceans over the period 1981 to 2016 using observations from many satellites. The data provide independently quantified SSTs to a quality suitable for climate research. This CDR Version 2.1 product supercedes the CDR v2.0 product. Data are made freely and openly available under a Creative Commons License by Attribution (CC By 4.0) . When citing this dataset please also cite the associated data paper: Merchant, C.J., Embury, O., Bulgin, C.E., Block T., Corlett, G.K., Fiedler, E., Good, S.A., Mittaz, J., Rayner, N.A., Berry, D., Eastwood, S., Taylor, M., Tsushima, Y., Waterfall, A., Wilson, R., Donlon, C. Satellite-based time-series of sea-surface temperature since 1981 for climate applications, Scientific Data 6:223 (2019).

  • This v2.1 SST_cci Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) Level 2 Preprocessed (L2P) Climate Data Record (CDR) consists of stable, low-bias sea surface temperature (SST) data from the ATSR series of satellite instruments. It covers the period between 11/1991 and 04/2012. This L2P product provides these SST data on the original satellite swath with a single orbit of data per file. The dataset has been produced as part of the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative Sea Surface Temperature project(ESA SST_cci). The data products from SST_cci accurately map the surface temperature of the global oceans over the period 1981 to 2016 using observations from many satellites. The data provide independently quantified SST's to a quality suitable for climate research. This CDR Version 2.1 product supercedes the CDR Version 2.0 product. Data are made freely and openly available under a Creative Commons License by Attribution (CC By 4.0) . When citing this dataset please also cite the associated data paper: Merchant, C.J., Embury, O., Bulgin, C.E., Block T., Corlett, G.K., Fiedler, E., Good, S.A., Mittaz, J., Rayner, N.A., Berry, D., Eastwood, S., Taylor, M., Tsushima, Y., Waterfall, A., Wilson, R., Donlon, C. Satellite-based time-series of sea-surface temperature since 1981 for climate applications, Scientific Data 6:223 (2019).

  • The ESA Sea Surface Salinity CCI consortium has produced global, level 4, multi-sensor Sea Surface Salinity maps covering the 2010-2019 period. This dataset contains Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) v2.31 data at a spatial resolution of 50 km and a time resolution of 1 week. It has been spatially sampled on a 25 km EASE (Equal Area Scalable Earth) grid and 1 day of time sampling. A monthly product is also available. In addition to salinity, information on errors are provided (see more in the user guide and product documentation available below and on the Sea Surface Salinity CCI web page). An overview paper about CCI SSS is now published: Boutin, J., N. Reul, J. Koehler, A. Martin, R. Catany, S. Guimbard, F. Rouffi, et al. (2021), Satellite-Based Sea Surface Salinity Designed for Ocean and Climate Studies, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126(11), e2021JC017676, doi: An updated version of CCI SSS (version 3.21) is now available on: ; version 3 SSS and associated uncertainties are more precise and cover a longer period (Jan 2010-sept 2020); version 3 SSS are provided closer to land than version 2 SSS, with a possible degraded quality. Users might remove these additional near land data by using the lsc_qc flag.