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  • This dataset contains tracks generated using a bespoke tracking algorithm developed within the BITMAP (Better understanding of Interregional Teleconnections for prediction in the Monsoon And Poles) project, identifying and linking upper-tropospheric vortices (described in Hunt et al, 2018, QJRMS - see linked documentation). This utilised data derived from from various simulation output for the WCRP Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 5 (CMIP5) 'RCP45' experiment. Similar datasets were produced using various model output from the WRCP CMIP5 'Historical' and 'RCP85' experiments and the ECMWF ERA-Interim reanalysis model output, also available within the parent dataset collection. Western disturbances (WDs) are upper-level vortices that can significantly impact the weather over Pakistan and north India. This is a catalogue of the tracks of WDs passing through the region (specifically 20-36.5N, 60-80E) on the 500 hPa layer. This differs from those tracks from the ECMWF Era-Interim data which were carried out on the 450-300 hPa layer. See linked documentation for details of the algorithms used. BITMAP was an Indo-UK-German project (NERC grant award NE/P006795/1) to develop better understanding of processes linking the Arctic and Asian monsoon, leading to better prospects for prediction on short, seasonal and decadal scales in both regions. Recent work had suggested that the pole-to-equator temperature difference is an essential ingredient driving variations in the monsoon. For further details on the project itself see the linked Project record.

  • This dataset contains tracks generated using a bespoke tracking algorithm developed within the BITMAP (Better understanding of Interregional Teleconnections for prediction in the Monsoon And Poles) project, identifying and linking upper-tropospheric vortices (described in Hunt et al, 2018, QJRMS - see linked documentation). This utilised data derived from from various simulation output for the WCRP Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 5 (CMIP5) 'Historical' experiment. Similar datasets were produced using various model output from the WRCP CMIP5 'RCP45' and 'RCP85' experiments and the ECMWF ERA-Interim reanalysis model output, also available within the parent dataset collection. Western disturbances (WDs) are upper-level vortices that can significantly impact the weather over Pakistan and north India. This is a catalogue of the tracks of WDs passing through the region (specifically 20-36.5N, 60-80E) on the 500 hPa layer. This differs from those tracks from the ECMWF Era-Interim data which were carried out on the 450-300 hPa layer. See linked documentation for details of the algorithms used. BITMAP was an Indo-UK-German project (NERC grant award NE/P006795/1) to develop better understanding of processes linking the Arctic and Asian monsoon, leading to better prospects for prediction on short, seasonal and decadal scales in both regions. Recent work had suggested that the pole-to-equator temperature difference is an essential ingredient driving variations in the monsoon. For further details on the project itself see the linked Project record.

  • This dataset contains tracks generated using a bespoke tracking algorithm developed within the BITMAP (Better understanding of Interregional Teleconnections for prediction in the Monsoon And Poles) project, identifying and linking upper-tropospheric vortices (described in Hunt et al, 2018, QJRMS - see linked documentation), using data derived from the ERA-Interim reanalysis data. Similar datasets were produced using various model output from the WCRP CMIP5 programme, available within the parent dataset collection. Western disturbances (WDs) are upper-level vortices that can significantly impact the weather over Pakistan and north India. This is a catalogue of the tracks of WDs passing through the region (specifically 20-36.5N, 60-80E) on the 450-300 hPa. This differs from those tracks from the CMIP5 data which were carried out on the 500 hPa layer. See linked documentation for details of the algorithms used. BITMAP was an Indo-UK-German project (NERC grant award NE/P006795/1) to develop better understanding of processes linking the Arctic and Asian monsoon, leading to better prospects for prediction on short, seasonal and decadal scales in both regions. Recent work had suggested that the pole-to-equator temperature difference is an essential ingredient driving variations in the monsoon. For further details on the project itself see the linked Project record.

  • This dataset contains tracks generated using a bespoke tracking algorithm developed within the BITMAP (Better understanding of Interregional Teleconnections for prediction in the Monsoon And Poles) project, identifying and linking upper-tropospheric vortices (described in Hunt et al, 2018, QJRMS - see linked documentation). This utilised data derived from from various simulation output for the WCRP Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 5 (CMIP5) 'RCP85' experiment. Similar datasets were produced using various model output from the WRCP CMIP5 'Historical' and 'RCP45' experiments and the ECMWF ERA-Interim reanalysis model output, also available within the parent dataset collection. Western disturbances (WDs) are upper-level vortices that can significantly impact the weather over Pakistan and north India. This is a catalogue of the tracks of WDs passing through the region (specifically 20-36.5N, 60-80E) on the 500 hPa layer. This differs from those tracks from the ECMWF Era-Interim data which were carried out on the 450-300 hPa layer. See linked documentation for details of the algorithms used. BITMAP was an Indo-UK-German project (NERC grant award NE/P006795/1) to develop better understanding of processes linking the Arctic and Asian monsoon, leading to better prospects for prediction on short, seasonal and decadal scales in both regions. Recent work had suggested that the pole-to-equator temperature difference is an essential ingredient driving variations in the monsoon. For further details on the project itself see the linked Project record.

  • Western disturbances (WDs) are upper-level vortices that can significantly impact the weather over Pakistan and north India. This collection contains a catalogue of the tracks of WDs passing through the region (specifically 20-36.5N, 60-80E) produced from various model outputs. This work was undertaken as part of the NERC funded BITMAP (Better understanding of Interregional Teleconnections for prediction in the Monsoon and Poles) project. BITMAP was an Indo-UK-German project (NERC grant award: NE/P006795/1) to develop better understanding of processes linking the Arctic and Asian monsoon, leading to better prospects for prediction on short, seasonal and decadal scales in both regions. Recent work had suggested that the pole-to-equator temperature difference is an essential ingredient driving variations in the monsoon. Tracks of these WDs were generated using a bespoke tracking algorithm within the project applied to data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts' (ECMWF) ERA-Interim reanalysis data and model output from various experiments of the World Climate Research Programme's Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (WCRP CMIP5). The algorithm, described in Hunt et al, 2017, QJRMS (see linked documentation), identified and linked upper-tropospheric vortices from the data and are available within this dataset collection. Additional details of the CMIP5 tracking algorithm are available in the Hunt et al. paper 'Representation of western disturbances in CMIP5 models' paper (see linked documentation). The principal difference between the algorithm used for the ERA-Interim data and the CMIP5 data is the choice of pressure levels on which the algorithm was run: 500 hPa for the ERA-Interim data and 450-300 hPa layer for the CMIP5 data.