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  • Acoustic emissions (AE) and ultrasonic wave velocity data recorded during a series of high temperature thermal cracking experiments by Daoud et al., in the Rock and Ice Physics Laboratory of the University College London. The data gives the time and magnitude of AE output which were recorded contemporaneously whilst cyclically heating three rock types (A Slaufrudalur Granophyre, A Santorini Andesite and a Seljadalur Basalt). The ultrasonic wave velocity data was recorded pre- and post- heating. The data acquisition was permitted using a rock placed within an acoustic wave guide placed inside a high temperature furnace.

  • Collection of data from the PhD Thesis "Thermo-mechanical loading of intact rock and discontinuities" by J Woodman. This collection of data includes raw logged .csv datafiles of uniaxial compression testing and triaxial compression testing on intact synthetic compositions, as well as intact and discontinuous specimens of Thornhill Rock and Midgley Grit at both ambient temperatures, and temperatures up to 100°C.

  • This dataset contains raw data from synthetic and experimental velocity steps analyzed using the MATLAB routine ‘steadystate.m’, as presented by Giacomel, P., Faulkner, D.R., Lambert, V., Allen, M.J (2024): ‘steadystate: A MATLAB-based routine for determining steady-state friction conditions in the framework of rate- and state- friction analysis’ – GSA, Geosphere. The data is provided in .zip folder containing the Velocity Steps and the outputs from steadystate.m, along with the scripts used to generate the figures shown in the Manuscript and Supplementary Material. The folder ‘Velocity_Steps’ notably contains the complete suite of mechanical data (subfolder ‘Mechanical_Data), the modelled rate- and state- friction parameters (subfolder ‘Modelled_RSF_Parameters SlipLaw’) obtained by assuming steady state at different displacements, as well as the linear detrended end members (i.e., at short to large displacements) fitted via inverse modelling (subfolder ‘Detrended_Velocity_Steps + Fit-Inversions’). Such observations were foundational for the development of the steadystate.m routine. Each subfolder is accompanied by a README.txt file that reports on the link between the raw .txt data with the MATLAB scripts generating the associated figures. For the sepiolite fault gouge used during the friction velocity steps, please refer to: Sánchez-Roa, C., Jiménez-Millán, J., Abad, I., Faulkner, D. R., Nieto, F., and García-Tortosa, F. J., 2016, Fibrous clay mineral authigenesis induced by fluid-rock interaction in the Galera fault zone (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain) and its influence on fault gouge frictional properties: Applied Clay Science, v. 134, p. 275-288.

  • This data has been recorded during a triaxial rock deformation experiment where a Lanhelin granite samples was subjected to controlled shear failure. The data consists of mechanical data (load, displacement, confining pressure, strain gauge data) and acoustic data necessary to reproduce the seismic tomography presented in 'Rupture energetics in crustal rock from laboratory-scale seismic tomography' by Aben, Brantut, Mitchell and David [2019], Geophysical Research Letters. Acoustic data contains AE source locations and arrival times, sensor locations, arrival times of active acoustic surveys.

  • Unconfined compressive strength data for rocks from TilTil and ElTeniente mines in Chile, plus basic index tests (porosity, density) and Elastic wave velocity for selected samples. Laboratory data collected as part of NERC grant NE/W00383X/1:Geological safety and optimisation in mining operations: towards a new understanding of fracture damage, heterogeneity and anisotropy.

  • The mechanical data (loads, displacements) recorded during double torsion experiments on samples of 6 shale materials and a sandstone. These experiments were conducted on the I12 beamline, Diamond Light Source, Harwell as part of beamtimes EE13824-1 and EE13824-2 between 26/02/17 and 03/03/17. The data were collected using the standard double-torsion technique, with a load cell behind the actuator recording applied force. The method and results are described in detail by Chandler et al, (2018,submitted) "Correlative optical and X-ray imaging of strain evolution during Double Torsion Fracture Toughness measurements in shale" The data was collected with the aim of correlating local deformation around a progressing fracture (through X-Ray and optical imaging) with recorded mechanical data from the loading system. The data was collected by M. Chandler, A-L Fauchille, J. Mecklenburgh, H. K. Kim and L. Ma, and was processed by M. Chandler and R. Rizzo. The complete dataset is present.