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  • This dataset contains broadband seismic data collected between May 2018 and January 2019 as part of the Unsettled Earth project funded by the University of Bristol's Brigstow Institute. The seismic station was deployed in one of the turrets of the Wills Memorial Building Tower, Bristol.

  • This is a collection of extracts from British newspapers describing earthquakes, mostly British. It contains original clippings, photocopies, and in a few cases manual transcriptions.

  • Dataset contains 3D synthetic seismic waveforms for axisymmetric global Earth velocity models. The waveforms were calculated using the finite difference approach with the PSVAxi algorithm (Jahnke, G et al., 2008. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03744.x). The Earthmodels are 1D and use PREM parameters except close to the core-mantle boundary (CMB) where 3D ultra-low velocity zones (ULVZs) are added to the PREM background model. ULVZ are thin layers of strongly reduced seismic velocities located at the CMB that have been observed in several regions of the Earth. The dataset models interaction of the seismic wavefield with ULVZ structure with varying elastic parameters (P-wave, S-wave velocity, density), location (location at source or receiver side along the great circle path), ULVZ length, shape (box, Gaussian, trapezoid) and height. Detailed description of the approach and the model space are given in Vanacore et al, (2016). Data format is SAC (Seismic Analysis Code). Vanacore, E.A., Rost, S., Thorne, M.S., 2016. Ultralow-velocity zone geometries resolved by multidimensional waveform modelling. Geophys. J. Int. 206, 659–674. doi:10.1093/gji/ggw114

  • This catalogue contains the times, locations, families, and durations of earthquakes identified near Parkfield, California, USA. Collected over the period of 2020 – 2022. The methodology used to identify the earthquakes is described by Huang, H., Hawthorne, J.C. Linking the scaling of tremor and slow slip near Parkfield, CA. Nat Commun 13, 5826 (2022). The data provided here are also provided in the supplement of that paper. This catalogue contains the times (columns 1-2), locations (columns 3-5: latitude, longitude, and depth), families (column 6), and durations (columns 7).

  • The National Seismological Archive (NSA) is the United Kingdom national repository for seismological material. It was created principally to preserve data from seismological observatories in the UK that have now closed. In many cases in the past records have been lost or destroyed when there is no longer anyone to look after them; the NSA provides a permanent home for these historical scientific documents, to preserve them for posterity. The principal collection consists of the seismograms stores from defunct observatories; also bulletins and reports from all over the world dating from the 1890s onwards, held in a variety of media, including earthquake-related newspaper cuttings, glass slides, microfilm, and comprehensive UK earthquake research material collected over a 30 year period. The archive has a public access room available for researchers and welcomes visiting scientists who wish to study material held in it. If it is impractical to visit, we may be able to supply data from it, subject to staff availability. One of the major projects of the archive has been the presentation of current knowledge of UK historical earthquake seismology material in a short series of reports, easily accessible to researchers. These are available for download as Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format files (.pdf) from the NSA download page.

  • This dataset contains parametric data (epicentre, magnitude, depth, etc) for over one million earthquakes worldwide. The dataset has been compiled gradually over a period of thirty years from original third-party catalogues, and parameters have not been revised by BGS, although erroneous entries have been flagged where found. The dataset is kept in two versions: the complete "master" version, in which all entries for any single earthquake from contributing catalogue are preserved, and the "pruned" version, in which each earthquake is represented by a single entry, selected from the contributing sources according to a hierarchy of preferences. The pruned version, which is intended to be free from duplicate entries for the same event, provides a starting point for studies of seismicity and seismic hazard anywhere in the world.

  • Recordings of earthquakes and other signals (such as quarry blasts, explosions, sonic booms and collapses) made by a network of seismometers and similar sensors across the UK. Recordings start in 1977 (with a few events recorded before this) and continue to the present day. Data is used for monitoring of seismic activity, studies of seismic hazard and scientific study of the Earth's interior. Data is freely available on request. Some data can be retrieved from the BGS AutoDRM (Automatic Data Request Manager) service. Time series data recorded by UK seismic networks.

  • The Seismic Locations and Sections database (LOCSEC) stores digitised seismic reflection survey location and line-interpretation data. Supplementary data stored includes map projection information and rock-unit seismic velocity data. The data are grouped by interpretation project area. Location data are input from digitised seismic shotpoint (SP) or common depth point (CDP) maps, or from direct input of digital navigation data. [See: Original Seismic Shotpoint Location Maps (ORIGSPMAPS) and Digital Seismic Shotpoint Location Maps (DIGSPMAPS) datasets]. Line-interpretation data are input from digitised pick-lines on manually interpreted printed seismic sections. [See: Copy Seismic Sections dataset (COPYSEISECS)]. In-house software is used for data management and display, to perform interpretation related tasks, e.g. depth-conversion, and to merge data into X, Y, Z form for input to 3D mapping and modelling packages such as EarthVision. Data in LOCSEC may also be related to the borehole interpretations held in the Stratigraphic Surfaces Database (SSD). Almost all data are within the UK Onshore area; although there are some UK near-shore and offshore (North Sea, Irish Sea) and foreign data. Most data were acquired for commercial hydrocarbon exploration and subsequently provided to BGS for use on specific projects. Some data were acquired by BGS and other public-sector bodies, e.g. BIRPS, for academic research.

  • Reports of work carried out worldwide by the BGS and its precursors. These reports cover a wide range of scientific and technical disciplines and were produced for a variety of purposes. Reports date from about 1950 although there are only a comparatively small number of reports pre 1960. The reports are not published but copies can be provided on demand, in hard copy or pdf format ,subject to any restrictions.

  • Index to the reports of work carried out by the BGS and its precursors. The index was set up in 1988 and has worldwide coverage. These reports cover a wide range of scientific and technical disciplines and were produced for a variety of purposes. The reports are not published but copies can be provided on demand subject to any restrictions. All registered Technical Reports held in collection are indexed. Start date of digital index circa 1988. Technical reports date from circa 1950 onwards.