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  • This layer of the GeoIndex shows the localities for which details of identified fossil specimens in the BGS Biostratigraphy Museum are databased. Only Ordovician and Silurian specimens listed currently. Samples and taxonomic identifications will be listed and will in future be able to be queried using the query-by-attribute tool to the right of the map. See also Fossil Localities. Material is available for inspection on application by e-mail; it is free for academic research but is charged for commercial work. Specimens are sometimes available for loan to bona fide academics.

  • This dataset (GSE_SPECIMENS) is an index of the specimens and palaeontological slides held in the Type and Stratigraphical (T&S) Collection of Scotland and Northern England. This index along with GSE_REFERENCES (List Of Specimens From The UK (North) Type And Stratigraphical Collection And Related Publications) and to some extent SMITH_GSE (Index To Specimens Transferred From The John Smith Collection To The UK (North) Type and Stratigraphical Collection) are the digital equivalents of the analogue card index (held in BGS Edinburgh). The latter contains c.16k records, of which perhaps 25% have been transcribed. The sporadically growing T&S Collection (which is derived from the Survey Collection) comprises some 16k specimens. About 11k are housed at BGS Keyworth and c.5k remain at BGS Edinburgh. The specimens are individually registered in 5 leather bound volumes. These are held in BGS Keyworth, but equivalent information (microfilm and paper records) is held in BGS Edinburgh. For each specimen, the MS Access database MTD_GSE_SPECS provides a link with the Survey Collection, gives nomenclatural, taxonomical, geographical and stratigraphical information, an indication on where the fossil is housed, and any comments, perhaps on the state of preservation.

  • Database of palaeontological specimens, world-wide coverage, including both "Museum" and "Survey" fossil collections from Keyworth and Edinburgh. Development commenced in Autumn 2000 and is ongoing. The database currently contains over 100,000 entries, including half of the taxonomic reference collection held at BGS Keyworth. Internet search access is available on the BGS web site. Key fields in the dataset, many of which can be searched for, include, sample number, nature of sample, confidentiality, collector/donator & year, register details, locality information (including grid reference, map sheet etc.), stratigraphy, type status, identifications & authority and publication details.

  • Stored in Murchison House, this dataset (FAUNGRAPHLOG_ED) is the BGS UK (North) collection of paper graphic logs from boreholes and measured natural sections, particularly in the Carboniferous of Scotland and northern England. Some 18000 of these records include hand written macrofossil occurrences and assemblages from certain (often subsequently interpreted) stratigraphical levels in the borehole or section. There is at present no separate index (either analogue or digital) to FAUNGRAPHLOG_ED but a pathway to it is FOSSLOC, the index to the Survey Collection of fossils from UK (North).

  • This dataset (GSE_REFERENCES) is a list of specimens held in the Type and Stratigraphical Collection of Scotland and Northern England, and the publications in which they are featured or illustrated. This database along with GSE_SPECIMENS (Index To The UK (North) Type And Stratigraphical Collection Of Fossils) and to some extent SMITH_GSE (Index To Specimens Transferred From The John Smith Collection To The UK (North) Type and Stratigraphical Collection) are the digital equivalents of the analogue card index (held in BGS Edinburgh).The latter contains c.16k records, of which perhaps 25% have now been transcribed. The MS Access database BGS_GSE_REFS presently contains 431 records (but does not include specimens from the John Smith Collection). This represents an unknown, but probably small, proportion of the Type and Stratigraphical Collection of Scotland and Northern England featured in publications. The database links with GSE_SPECIMENS, and can also provide species, authors and nomenclatural status. Many of the publications referred to are held in an extensive paper reprint collection.

  • PALSLIDES_ED is the BGS Edinburgh Palaeontological Slides Collection. It comprises two registration series. The MIC (microfossils) series, which is added to sporadically, includes c.950 individually registered slides (each with up to 100 cells) of microfossils (mainly foraminifera and ostracods). The PS (Palaeontological thin Sections) registration series, which has not been added to since 1987, comprises 4202 fossil thin sections and mounted slides, and includes various donated collections. Both the MIC register (10 volumes) and PS register (2 volumes) record the locality of each slide and any previous registration numbers. Stratigraphic information may also be given. Taxonomic information is not complete. There is, at present, no separate index (either analogue or digital) to the dataset, but it is included in FOSSLOC4. GSE_SPECIMENS and SMITH_GSE include those slides and thin sections transferred to the Type and Stratigraphical Collection from the Survey and John Smith collections.