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  • This dataset includes the CNRM-CM5 model output prepared for SPECS seaIceInit (1979-2012). These data were prepared by the Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques, as part of the SPECS project. The model used is CNRM-CM, combining ARPEGEv6.0.3 + NEM0v3.2 + GELATO6.0.1 + SURFEX7.2, frequency is monthly. Atmospheric variables are: clt evlwr hfls hfss hus mrro mrso pr prsn psl rlds rls rlut rsds rsdt rss ta tas tasmax tasmin tauu tauv ua uas va vas zg Oceanic variables are: hfnorth mlotst msftmyz msftmyza msftmyzba sltnorth so t20d thetao tos uo vo SeaIce variables are: sic sit snld strairx strairy tsice usi vsi

  • This dataset includes the CNRM-CM5 model output prepared for SPECS SoilMoistureInit (1991-2012). These data were prepared by the Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques, as part of the SPECS project. Model id is CNRM-CM5, frequency is daily. Arpege V5.1 is the underlying model, 31 vertical levels (CNRM-CM5 2013 atmosphere:Arpege (tl127l91r); ocean:Nemo (Orca1); sea-ice:Gelato; land:isba. Atmospheric variables are: hfls hfss pr psl rlds rls rsds rss ta tas tasmax tasmin zg

  • This dataset includes the CNRM-CM5 model output prepared for SPECS snowInit (1991-2012). These data were prepared by the Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques, as part of the SPECS project. Model id is CNRM-CM5, frequency is daily, associated model is atmo HR ocean HR. Arpege V5.1 is the underlying model, 31 vertical levels (CNRM-CM5 2013 atmosphere:Arpege (tl127l91r); ocean:Nemo (Orca1); sea-ice:Gelato; land:isba. Atmospheric variables are: hfls hfss pr psl rlds rls rsds rss ta tas tasmax tasmin zg

  • This dataset includes the CERFACS-HR model output prepared for SPECS horizlResImpact (1993-2009). These data were prepared by the European Centre for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computation (CERFACS), as part of the SPECS project. Model id is CERFACS-HR (atmosphere: ARPEGE v5.3; ocean: NEMO v3.4 including LIM2 sea-ice; coupler: OASIS3-MCT v2.0" ), frequency is daily and monthly. Daily Atmospheric variables are: snld Daily Ocean variables: mlotst t20d Daily sea ice variables: sic tsice Monthly sea ice variables: sic sit snld strairx strairy tsice usi vsi Monthly ocean variables: mlotst so t20d thetao tos uo vo wo zos