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  • The UK DECC (Deriving Emissions linked to Climate Change) Network consists of five sites in the UK and Ireland measuring greenhouse and ozone-depleting gases. The four UK-based sites (Ridge Hill, Herefordshire; Tacolneston, Norfolk; Bilsdale, North Yorkshire; and Heathfield, East Sussex) sample air from elevated inlets on tall telecommunications towers. Mace Head, situated on the west coast of Ireland, samples from an inlet 10 meters above ground level and is ideally situated to intercept baseline air from the North Atlantic Ocean. This collection contains high frequency measurements of all major greenhouse gases made at the four UK stations, including carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and sulfur hexafluoride. Mace Head data are available separately - see link in documentation. Data from the UK DECC network are used to assess atmospheric trends and quantify UK emissions, and feeds into other international research programs, including the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) and Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE) networks. This work is funded by the UK Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) under contract 1537/06/2018 to the University of Bristol and through the National Measurement System at the National Physical Laboratory.

  • Data from observations made at the Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory (CVAO) which exists to advance understanding of climatically significant interactions between the atmosphere and ocean and to provide a regional focal point and long-term data. The observatory is based on Calhau Island of São Vicente, Cape Verde at 16.848N, 24.871W, in the tropical Eastern North Atlantic Ocean, a region which is data poor but plays a key role in atmosphere-ocean interactions of climate-related and biogeochemical parameters including greenhouse gases. It is an open-ocean site that is representative of a region likely to be sensitive to future climate change, and is minimally influenced by local effects and intermittent continental pollution. Since November 2011, real-time N2O (Nitrous Oxide) and CO (Carbon Monoxide) concentrations have been simultaneously and continuously measured using an Off-Axis Integrated-Cavity Output Spectroscopy (OA-ICOS) analyser (Los Gatos Inc). In November 2012, a Greenhouse Gas Analyser (GGA) using the same fundamental measuring technique was added and placed in series to measure CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and CH4 (Methane) concentrations. Both devices are configured to sample at a frequency of 1Hz and both have the precision and accuracy to conform to measurement recommendations as defined by Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW). The dataset contains hourly measurements of CO, CO2, N2O and CH4. Data were collected by collaboration between the University of Exeter and the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry.

  • This dataset contains high-precision long-term atmospheric measurements of greenhouse gases (CO, CO2, N2O and CH4 ) using Off-Axis Integrated-Cavity Output Spectroscopy (OA-ICOS). The measurements were taken at Kjølnes Atmospheric Observatory (KJN). The Kjølnes Atmospheric Observatory (70°51'07.9\"N 29°13'56.3\"E) has been operational since August 2013. Two OA-ICOS devices, connected in series and sharing a suite of calibration and reference gases, have been employed to make continuous measurements of atmospheric CO2, CH4, N2O and CO concentrations. The data are calibrated by performing a linear regression upon the weekly measurements of three calibration (tied to the latest NOAA calibration scales) cylinders. The quality control procedure incorporates regular measurements of a dedicated reference cylinder (Target Tank), carefully calibrated at Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (Germany).

  • This dataset contains CH4, CO2, CO, N2O and SF6 dry air molar fraction vertical profiles over the Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil with air sampled using small aircraft and analysed at Laboratório de Gases de Efeito Estufa (LAGEE), Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. The air was sampled during ascent of small airplane from 4.4 km above surface down to close to the ground. A series of flasks (17 flasks) were filled sequentially. The flasks were contained in a suitcase. Valves of the flasks were opened and closed by a programmable microcontroller. After sampling the suitcase were sent by mail to the high precision gas analytics laboratory LAGEE at Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil where the dry air molar fractions of the air of each flask were measured. These data were collected as part of the Methane Observations and Yearly Assessments (MOYA) project funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) (NE/N016211/1).

  • This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of carbon, water, and energy, as well as supporting micrometeorological, soil physics, and vegetation measurements. Data have been obtained at ten eddy covariance (EC) flux observation sites across England and Wales. Sites were active for different time periods between 2018 and 2023. Flux data include net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE), sensible heat (H), and latent heat (LE). Examples of ancillary and vegetation data include measurements of air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed and direction, components of radiation, soil heat flux, soil temperature and moisture, precipitation, water table depth, biomass, leaf area index (LAI), and canopy height. This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council award number NE/R016429/1 as part of the UK-SCAPE programme delivering National Capability. Full details about this dataset can be found at