ESA Ozone CCI project team
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Datasets of ozone products produced by the ozone project within the ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI). The project focuses on developing, delivering and characterizing a number of ozone ECV data products generated from European nadir, limb and occultation satellite sensors. Three main product lines have been developed: Total ozone from nadir UV backscatter sensors: A time-series covering the period from 1995 until present generated by merging total ozone measurements from the GOME, SCIAMACHY, GOME-2 and OMI instruments. All European sensors are processed using the state-of-the-art direct-fitting algorithm developed for GOME (GDP5). Ozone profiles from nadir UV backscatter sensors: A merged ozone profile data set from GOME, SCIAMACHY, OMI and GOME-2 instruments generated for a minimum of two contiguous years. Best elements from existing retrieval codes are combined in a single CCI algorithm applied to all sensors. Ozone profiles from limb and occultation sensors: A merged ozone profile data set covering at least two contiguous years created from all limb/occultation sensors onboard of ENVISAT (GOMOS, MIPAS, SCIAMACHY) as well as from the Third Party Missions OSIRIS, SMR and ACE/FTS.
This dataset consists of a gridded composite of limb ozone profile data, combining data from a range of instruments. The data are zonal mean time series (10° latitude bin) and include uncertainty/variability of the Monthly Zonal Mean. The merged monthly zonal mean data (MMZM) include merged ozone profiles in 10° latitude zones for each month, on the ozone-CCI pressure grid from 250 hPa to 1 hPa, and the parameters which characterize the uncertainty of the merged profiles. In Phase I of the ESA CCI Programme, the dataset has been created for 2 years, 2007 and 2008. The merged monthly zonal mean data are structured into monthly netcdf files with self-explanatory names. For example, the file “” contains merged monthly zonal mean data for January 2008. In addition to the variables of the merged data, the profiles from individual instruments with their uncertainty parameters are also included (for the altitude range 250-1 hPa used in data merging).
This dataset comprises gridded limb ozone monthly zonal mean profiles from the ACE FTS instrument on the SCISAT satellite. The data are zonal mean time series (10° latitude bin) and include uncertainty/variability of the Monthly Zonal Mean. The monthly zonal mean (MZM) data set provides ozone profiles averaged in 10° latitude zones from 90°S to 90°N, for each month. The monthly zonal mean data are structured into yearly netcdf files, for each instrument separately. The filename indicates the instrument and the year. For example, the file “” contains monthly zonal mean data for ACE in 2008.
This dataset contains Level 3 nadir profile ozone data from the ESA Ozone Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project. The Level 3 data are monthly averages on a regular 3D grid derived from level 2 ozone profiles. In this version 2 of the dataset, data are available for 1997 and 2007 and 2008 only, and use data from the GOME instrument on ERS (1997) and the GOME-2 instrument on METOP-A (2007, 2008).
This dataset consists of a gridded composite of limb ozone profile data, combining data from a range of instruments. The Merged Semi-Monthly Mean (MSMM) dataset is created using measurements from limb sensors participating in Ozone_cci project, for years 2007-2008. First, the ozone profiles from individual instruments are averaged in 10° x 20° latitude-longitude zones over half-month time intervals, and then merged. The merged semi-monthly mean ozone profiles are structured into yearly netcdf files with self-explanatory names. For example, the file “” contains the semi-monthly mean ozone profiles for January 2008. In addition to the variables of the merged data, the profiles from individual instruments with their uncertainty parameters are also included (for the altitude range 250-1 hPa used in data merging).
This dataset comprises gridded limb ozone monthly zonal mean profiles from the SCIAMACHY instrument on ENVISAT. The data are zonal mean time series (10° latitude bin) and include uncertainty/variability of the Monthly Zonal Mean. The monthly zonal mean (MZM) data set provides ozone profiles averaged in 10° latitude zones from 90°S to 90°N, for each month. The monthly zonal mean data are structured into yearly netcdf files, for each instrument separately. The filename indicates the instrument and the year. For example, the file “” contains monthly zonal mean data for SCIAMACHY in 2008.
ESA Ozone Climate Change Initiative (Ozone CCI): Level 3 Total Ozone Merged Data Product, version 01
This dataset is a monthly mean gridded total ozone data record (level 3) produced by the ESA Ozone Climate Change Initiative project (Ozone CCI). The dataset is a prototype of a merged harmonised ozone data record combining ozone data from the GOME instrument on ERS-2, the SCIAMACHY instrument on ENVISAT and the GOME-2 instrument on METOP-A, and covers the period between April 1996 to June 2011.
This dataset comprises gridded limb ozone monthly zonal mean profiles from the ODIN/SMR (544.6 GHz) instrument. The data are zonal mean time series (10° latitude bin) and include uncertainty/variability of the Monthly Zonal Mean. The monthly zonal mean (MZM) data set provides ozone profiles averaged in 10° latitude zones from 90°S to 90°N, for each month. The monthly zonal mean data are structured into yearly netcdf files, for each instrument separately. The filename indicates the instrument and the year. For example, the file “” contains monthly zonal mean data for ODIN/SMR at 544.6GHz in 2008.
This dataset comprises gridded limb ozone monthly zonal mean profiles from the MIPAS instrument on the ENVISAT satellite. The data are zonal mean time series (10° latitude bin) and include uncertainty/variability of the Monthly Zonal Mean. The monthly zonal mean (MZM) data set provides ozone profiles averaged in 10° latitude zones from 90°S to 90°N, for each month. The monthly zonal mean data are structured into yearly netcdf files, for each instrument separately. The filename indicates the instrument and the year. For example, the file "“ contains monthly zonal mean data for MIPAS in 2008.
This dataset comprises gridded limb ozone monthly zonal mean profiles from the GOMOS instrument. The data are zonal mean time series (10° latitude bin) and include uncertainty/variability of the Monthly Zonal Mean. The monthly zonal mean (MZM) data set provides ozone profiles averaged in 10° latitude zones from 90°S to 90°N, for each month. The monthly zonal mean data are structured into yearly netcdf files, for each instrument separately. The filename indicates the instrument and the year. For example, the file “” contains monthly zonal mean data for GOMOS in 2008.