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Meteosat-7 and its predecessors were the first generation of earth observation dedicated geostationary satellites located at 36000 km above the intersection of the Equator and the Greenwich Meridian. Although superseded by MSG-1 (renamed Meteosat-8) in 2005, Meteosat-7 remained as back-up at 0o longitude until 14th June 2006. Meteosat-7 will be moved to 63oE longitude to continue coverage of the Indian Ocean and take over from Meteosat-5. Meteosat-7 was launched by the European Space Agency and operated by Eumetsat. This dataset contains visible images from Meteosat Geostationary Satellites First Generation over Europe.
This dataset contains level 1C data products from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) instrument onboard the Eumetsat EPS Metop-A satellite. IASI was designed to measure the infrared spectrum emitted by the earth. IASI provides infrared soundings of the temperature profiles in the troposphere and lower stratosphere, moisture profiles in the troposphere, as well as some of the chemical components playing a key role in the climate monitoring, global change and atmospheric chemistry. The IASI L1c product contains infra-red radiance spectra at the 0.5cm-1 resolution, covering the range between 645.0 cm-1 and 2760 cm-1 This data set contains both the original processed data and reprocessed archive. In the following directories based on processing algorithm. Please see information under the process tab for further information. Please note an erratum has been raised in relation to 2017 data please see the Ten-Year Assessment of IASI Radiance and Temperature in the documentation section. This data has been provided by EUMETSAT to CEDA to support access to active scientists from the following institutions only - The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) - The National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) - The National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) If you are from one of these institutions, please apply for access below and follow the instructions. If you are not from one of these institutions, please go to the documentation section for the relevant link to the EUMETSAT EO portal where you can obtain the data directly.
Meteosat-7 and its predecessors were the first generation of earth observation dedicated geostationary satellites located at 36000 km above the intersection of the Equator and the Greenwich Meridian. Although superseded by MSG-1 (renamed Meteosat-8) in 2005, Meteosat-7 remained as back-up at 0o longitude until 14th June 2006. Meteosat-7 will be moved to 63oE longitude to continue coverage of the Indian Ocean and take over from Meteosat-5. Meteosat-7 was launched by the European Space Agency and operated by Eumetsat. This dataset contains infa-red images from Meteosat Geostationary Satellites First Generation over full disc.
Meteosat-7 and its predecessors were the first generation of earth observation dedicated geostationary satellites located at 36000 km above the intersection of the Equator and the Greenwich Meridian. Although superseded by MSG-1 (renamed Meteosat-8) in 2005, Meteosat-7 remained as back-up at 0o longitude until 14th June 2006. Meteosat-7 will be moved to 63oE longitude to continue coverage of the Indian Ocean and take over from Meteosat-5. Meteosat-7 was launched by the European Space Agency and operated by Eumetsat. This dataset contains visible images from Meteosat Geostationary Satellites First Generation satellites over full disc.
Meteosat-7 and its predecessors were the first generation of earth observation dedicated geostationary satellites located at 36000 km above the intersection of the Equator and the Greenwich Meridian. Although superseded by MSG-1 (renamed Meteosat-8) in 2005, Meteosat-7 remained as back-up at 0o longitude until 14th June 2006. Meteosat-7 will be moved to 63oE longitude to continue coverage of the Indian Ocean and take over from Meteosat-5. Meteosat-7 was launched by the European Space Agency and operated by Eumetsat. This dataset contains water vapour images from Meteosat Geostationary Satellites First Generation satellites over Europe and the North Atlantic.
Meteosat-7 and its predecessors were the first generation of earth observation dedicated geostationary satellites located at 36000 km above the intersection of the Equator and the Greenwich Meridian. Although superseded by MSG-1 (renamed Meteosat-8) in 2005, Meteosat-7 remained as back-up at 0o longitude until 14th June 2006. Meteosat-7 will be moved to 63oE longitude to continue coverage of the Indian Ocean and take over from Meteosat-5. Meteosat-7 was launched by the European Space Agency and operated by Eumetsat. This dataset contains infa-red images from Meteosat Geostationary Satellites First Generation satellites over full disc.
Meteosat-7 and its predecessors were the first generation of earth observation dedicated geostationary satellites located at 36000 km above the intersection of the Equator and the Greenwich Meridian. Although superseded by MSG-1 (renamed Meteosat-8) in 2005, Meteosat-7 remained as back-up at 0o longitude until 14th June 2006. Meteosat-7 will be moved to 63oE longitude to continue coverage of the Indian Ocean and take over from Meteosat-5. Meteosat-7 was launched by the European Space Agency and operated by Eumetsat. This dataset contains visible images from Meteosat Geostationary Satellites First Generation North Atlantic.
Meteosat-7 and its predecessors were the first generation of earth observation dedicated geostationary satellites located at 36000 km above the intersection of the Equator and the Greenwich Meridian. Although superseded by MSG-1 (renamed Meteosat-8) in 2005, Meteosat-7 remained as back-up at 0o longitude until 14th June 2006. Meteosat-7 will be moved to 63oE longitude to continue coverage of the Indian Ocean and take over from Meteosat-5. Meteosat-7 was launched by the European Space Agency and operated by Eumetsat. This dataset contains visible images from Meteosat Geostationary Satellites First Generation over Europe and the North Atlantic.
This dataset contains level 1C data products from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) instrument onboard the Eumetsat EPS Metop-C satellite. IASI was designed to measure the infrared spectrum emitted by the earth. IASI provides infrared soundings of the temperature profiles in the troposphere and lower stratosphere, moisture profiles in the troposphere, as well as some of the chemical components playing a key role in the climate monitoring, global change and atmospheric chemistry. the IASI L1c product contains infra-red radiance spectra at the 0.5cm-1 resolution, covering the range between 645.0 cm-1 and 2760 cm-1. Please note an erratum has been raised in relation to 2017 data please see the Ten-Year Assessment of IASI Radiance and Temperature in the documentation section. This data set contains the original processed data.. in the following directories based on processing algorithm. Please see information under the process tab for further information. This data has been provided by EUMETSAT to CEDA to support access to active scientists from the following institutions only - The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) - The National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) - The National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) If you are from one of these institutions, please apply for access below and follow the instructions. If you are not from one of these institutions, please go to the documentation section for the relevant link to the EUMETSAT EO portal where you can obtain the data directly.
Meteosat-7 and its predecessors were the first generation of earth observation dedicated geostationary satellites located at 36000 km above the intersection of the Equator and the Greenwich Meridian. Although superseded by MSG-1 (renamed Meteosat-8) in 2005, Meteosat-7 remained as back-up at 0o longitude until 14th June 2006. Meteosat-7 will be moved to 63oE longitude to continue coverage of the Indian Ocean and take over from Meteosat-5. Meteosat-7 was launched by the European Space Agency and operated by Eumetsat. This dataset contains thermal infra-red images from Meteosat Geostationary Satellites First Generation over Europe and North Atlantic.