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  • Data from the Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) on-board ENVISAT are available for the UK from 2002-2009. The raw data for the alternating polarisation, wide swath and image modes were acquired by the Landmap project from ESA and processed to produce 8 and 32-bit greyscale and multi-difference colour composite geotiff images. The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) funded Landmap service which ran from 2001 to July 2014 collected and hosted a large amount of earth observation data for the majority of the UK. After removal of JISC funding in 2013, the Landmap service is no longer operational, with the data now held at the NEODC. When using these data please also add the following copyright statement: © ESA 2004/2005/2006/2007/2008…. Received and Distributed by University of Manchester under licence from the European Space Agency

  • Level 1 Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Phased Array type-L band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) data were acquired from ESA by the Landmap project and processed to produce greyscale 8 and 32-bit geotiff imagery for the UK and Republic of Ireland from 2007-2009. The UK data are projected onto the British National Grid whereas the Republic of Ireland data are projected onto the Irish National Grid. PALSAR is an active microwave sensor using L-band (2GHz) frequency and produces various products of different resolutions and performance. PALSAR data can be acquired during day or night, increasing the temporal coverage of data for a particular spatial extent. PALSAR is also unaffected by cloud cover allowing a better coverage of satellite data. PALSAR collects data in 4 different modes. The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) funded Landmap service which ran from 2001 to July 2014 collected and hosted a large amount of earth observation data for the majority of the UK. After removal of JISC funding in 2013, the Landmap service is no longer operational, with the data now held at the NEODC. When using these data please also add the following copyright statement: © ESA 2004/2005/2006/2007/2008…. Received and Distributed by University of Manchester under licence from the European Space Agency

  • The Building Class data provides detailed information about residential housing types including the house age and structural type. This information can be used for urban regeneration studies, crime monitoring, urban flooding and urban gardens. These data were collected by The GeoInformation Group (TGG), primarily through interpretation of high-resolution aerial photography, as part of the Cities Revealed project. The data were subsequently acquired by the Landmap project. The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) funded Landmap service which ran from 2001 to July 2014 collected and hosted a large amount of earth observation data for the majority of the UK, part of which was buildings data. After removal of JISC funding in 2013, the Landmap service is no longer operational, with the data now held at the NEODC. When using these data please also add the following copyright statement: Cities Revealed © The GeoInformation Group yyyy

  • Aerial photography obtained from The Geoinformation Group's (TGG) Cities Revealed project, acquired by the Landmap project, is available for over 65% of the UK's population, from 1969 to 2010. The imagery has a high resolution of 5-25cm. The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) funded Landmap service which ran from 2001 to July 2014 collected and hosted a large amount of earth observation data for the majority of the UK. After removal of JISC funding in 2013, the Landmap service is no longer operational, with the data now held at the NEODC. When using these data please also add the following copyright statement: Cities Revealed © The GeoInformation Group yyyy

  • Colour InfraRed (CIR) imagery for most Scotland collected between 2006 and 2010 at 50cm resolution by GetMapping, and then acquired by the Landmap project. The data were collected using digital cameras mounted underneath planes. The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) funded Landmap service which ran from 2001 to July 2014 collected and hosted Earth Observation satellite data for the majority of the UK, part of which was CIR data. After removal of JISC funding in 2013, the Landmap service is no longer operational, with the data now held at the NEODC. The data are split into 100x100km regions that correspond to Ordnance Survey grid reference squares, and are available in GeoTiff format. Some regions are also available in ecw (Enhanced Compression Wavelet) format. Colour InfraRed imagery consists of imagery in three bands – Near InfraRed (NIR), red and green. CIR can be used to study the health and variation of vegetation coverage as NIR rays are reflected at the bottom of leaves rather than the top, as with green. To aid with this, images were captured at times when plants were expected to be in full leaf. The invisible near infrared light of CIR can be "seen" by shifting it and the primary colours over so that near infrared wavelengths become visible as red while red wavelengths appear as green and green as blue. Blue wavelengths are shifted out of the visible portion of the spectrum and so they appear as black. On CIR imagery vegetation appears red while water generally appears black with artificial structures like buildings and roads showing as a light blue-green.

  • Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data was collected by The Geoinformation Group using LiDAR-equipped survey aircraft for the main urban conurbations of England and Wales (including London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Newcastle, Edinburgh and Glasgow) as part of the Cities Revealed project, and made available through the Landmap service. The GeoInformation Group (TGG) has processed the data so that they are available as Digital Terrain Models (ground surface only) and Digital Surface/Elevation Models (the ground and all features on it), both geographic databases with height and surface measurement information in the form of regular grids with intervals of 1 or 2 m. In addition, some First Pass and Last Pass data are available. The First Pass data provides height values for the top of the canopy (i.e. buildings, trees etc.) while the Last Pulse data provides height values for the bottom of the canopy and provides information about the shape of the terrain. The data are available in img format. The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) funded Landmap service which ran from 2001 to July 2014 collected and hosted a large amount of earth observation data for the majority of the UK, part of which was elevation data. After removal of JISC funding in 2013, the Landmap service is no longer operational, with the data now held at the NEODC. When using the data please also add the following copyright statement: Cities Revealed © The GeoInformation Group yyyy

  • Active Microwave Instrument - Synthetic Aperture Radar (AMI-SAR) data from the European Remote-Sensing satellites 1 and 2 between 1995 and 1999 were acquired by the Landmap project from QinetiQ and are available for large areas of the UK. Data from the individual satellites are available, but also coherence images from when both satellites were operational and orbiting in tandem, which show the difference between two images in the time between both satellites passing over (around 1 day). The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) funded Landmap service which ran from 2001 to July 2014 collected and hosted a large amount of earth observation data for the majority of the UK. After removal of JISC funding in 2013, the Landmap service is no longer operational, with the data now held at the NEODC. When using these data please also add the following copyright statement: Original ERS data ERS data copyright ESA 1999/2000 (year of acquisition). Received and Distributed by QinetiQ under licence from the European Space Agency

  • The Advanced Visible and Near InfraRed 4-band Radiometer type-2 (AVNIR-2) is a visible and near infrared 4-band radiometer offering 10m spatial resolution optical imagery that is often used for land and coastal earth observation applications. AVNIR-2 is on board the Japanese earth observation Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) and was developed by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The data were acquired by the Landmap project from ESA, and are available for large areas of the Republic of Ireland and small areas of Scotland and England, for 2007 to 2008. The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) funded Landmap service which ran from 2001 to July 2014 collected and hosted a large amount of earth observation data for the majority of the UK. After removal of JISC funding in 2013, the Landmap service is no longer operational, with the data now held at the NEODC. When using these data please also add the following copyright statement: ESA 2004/2005/2006/2007/2008…. Received and Distributed by University of Manchester under licence from the European Space Agency.

  • Near InfraRed red-edge imagery for Northern Ireland from 2009 to 2011 was acquired by the Landmap project from RapidEye. The imagery has a spatial resolution of 6.5metres and contains 5 spectral bands. The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) funded Landmap service which ran from 2001 to July 2014 collected and hosted a large amount of earth observation data for the majority of the UK. After removal of JISC funding in 2013, the Landmap service is no longer operational, with the data now held at the NEODC.

  • Thermal imagery for selected areas of England was taken by a FLIR SC 6000 HS thermal camera mounted on a specially designed survey aircraft over the course of 2009 and 2010 by The GeoInformation Group (TGG) as part of the Cities Revealed project. The data were then acquired by the Landmap project. Positioning data were also recorded so that the thermal data could be accurately geolocated in post-processing. The thermal imagery is available as mosaiced img, geotiff or jpeg files for the following areas: Bournemouth, Bradford, Braintree, Coventry, Eastleigh, Gateshead, Gloucester, Gosport, Lewisham, Newcastle, Newcaste-under-lyme, North Tyneside, Poole, Southampton, Southwark, Surrey Heath and Wolverhampton. The thermal data were captured between 7pm to 11pm to avoid solar activity which would produce false readings and when most houses would be heated, in cold (less than 10C) dry weather so that the temperature differential between indoors and outdoors was maximum. The thermal camera has a resolution of <0.02C. The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) funded Landmap service which ran from 2001 to July 2014 collected and hosted a large amount of earth observation data, such as thermal imagery, for the majority of the UK. After removal of JISC funding in 2013, the Landmap service is no longer operational, with the data now held at the NEODC. When using these data please also add the following copyright statement: Cities Revealed © The GeoInformation Group yyyy