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  • The Met Office's research unit based in Cardington, Bedfordshire, study boundary-layer meteorology and surface processes to help with the development of numerical weather prediction methods. Surface meteorological data and high resolution radiosonde data are collected from the Met Office's research site and elsewhere. The dataset contains recorded surface meteorology and radiation measurements timed at 1, 10 and 30 minute intervals and measured by instruments mounted on 10, 25 and 50 metre masts.

  • The Met Office's research unit based in Cardington, Bedfordshire, study boundary-layer meteorology and surface processes to help with the development of numerical weather prediction methods. These are used in a number of ways including the development of physical parameterisation schemes. Surface meteorological data and high resolution radiosonde data are collected from the Met Office's research site and elsewhere. The dataset collection contains recorded surface measurements timed at 1, 10 and 30 minute intervals and measured by instruments mounted on the surface, 10, 25 and 50 metre masts. Radiosonde data are available at various locations depending on the deployment of the equipment. The facility continuously operates a comprehensive suite of surface, sub-surface, mast and tethered balloon mounted instrumentation. Various items of instrumentation, as well as the radiosonde and tethered balloon equipment, can also be deployed elsewhere in support of off-base measurement campaigns.

  • The Met Office's research unit based in Cardington, Bedfordshire, study boundary-layer meteorology and surface processes to help with the development of numerical weather prediction methods. Surface meteorological data and high resolution radiosonde data are collected from the Met Office's research site and elsewhere. The dataset contains recorded surface meteorology and radiation measurements timed at 1, 10 and 30 minute intervals and measured by instruments mounted on 10, 25 and 50 metre masts.