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Natural England

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  • The Pantheon database contains habitat-related traits, feeding guilds, conservation status (including rarity and threat status), legal protection data and associations with other taxa for just over 11,700 invertebrates. The database has been developed for invertebrates within England so the data should be used with caution when applying it to invertebrates of other countries. The data have been extracted from numerous sources within the published literature and compiled and categorised by entomological experts over a number of years. The database also includes (and supersedes) species assemblage types (SATs) from the Invertebrate Species-habitat Information System (ISIS). Species names have been linked with the Taxon Version Key (TVK; unique identifier) from the UK Species Inventory, held by the Natural History Museum, where possible. Overall the database holds 154,072 records. The database was developed by Natural England and the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology as part of a development of online analytical tools to benefit invertebrate conservation and site assessments. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • The results of an analysis of the connectivity of sixteen priority habitat networks in England using the Condatis methodology. The dataset includes conductance scores for each of the priority habitat networks (an overall assessment of how connected the habitat network is), the flow scores for each contiguous habitat patch within each of the habitat networks (the importance of that patch to connectivity), as well as details of protection. Additionally, the dataset includes data and scripts needed to run a demonstration Condatis analysis, and produced the figures used in Travers et al., 2021 (in prep.). Dispersal distances of 2, 4 and 8 km were used as inputs into Condatis. The outputs of connectivity assessments using those dispersal figures were geometrically averaged to provide results summing up the connectedness of a habitat network over a range of dispersal abilities. To determine how much connectivity (flow), and which patches were protected in each habitat network they were overlaid with SSSI and NNR spatial data. If more than 50% of a patch’s area was covered by a protected area it was determined to be protected. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • Results of moth surveys carried out at four landscapes in North-West Hampshire in June and July 2014. The data includes dates and locations of the surveys and associated counts for each of 180 moth species. Also included is information on site management, connectivity of survey sites to chalk grassland and habitat specialism of each moth species. Moths were surveyed in light traps for 24 nights in June/July 2014 in four landscapes in North-West Hampshire. Each survey location contained a patch of protected chalk grassland habitat surrounded mostly by arable fields. Each landscape was surveyed for six nights, with two traps being placed on the chalk grassland and the remaining eight being placed on arable fields at a range of distances from the chalk grassland patch. Traps on arable fields were alternated between arable field margins and arable field centres across the six nights. Four of eight arable field margins in each landscape comprised an area of grassland habitat created under agri-environment schemes. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • Data consist of modelled estimates of observed/expected Biological Monitoring Working Party (an index for measuring the biological quality of rivers using selected families of macroinvertebrates as biological indicators) scores for freshwater streams across Great Britain (GB). The BMWP scores (1-10) are based on the principle that macroinvertebrates differ in their perceived sensitivity or tolerance to organic pollution (i.e. nutrient enrichment). Values greater than 1 indicate high water quality. Data pooled across two survey years (1998 and 2007) was used to model the relationships between headwater stream quality and catchment/stream characteristics for headwater streams across GB based on known relationships for headwater streams in Countryside Survey squares. Modelled estimates of stream water quality were based on a Boosted Regression Tree modelling approach . Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset models positive plant habitat condition indicators across Great Britain (GB). This data provides a metric of plant diversity weighted by the species that you would expect and desire to have in a particular habitat type so indicates habitat condition. In each Countryside Survey 2007 area vegetation plot the number of positive plant habitat indicators (taken from a list created from Common Standards Monitoring Guidance and consultation with the Botanical society of the British Isles (BSBI)) for the habitat type in which the plot is located are counted. This count is then divided by the possible indicators for that habitat type (and multiplied by 100) to get a percentage value. This is extrapolated to 1km squares across GB using a generalised additive mixed model. Co-variables used in the model are Broad Habitat (the dominant broad habitat of the 1km square), air temperature, nitrogen deposition, sulphur deposition, precipitation and whether the plot is located in a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) (presence or absence data). Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset consists of ammonia (NH3) measurements at three sites on Fenn’s, Whixall, Bettisfield, Wem and Cadney Mosses SSSI on the border of Wrexham County Borough (North Wales) and Shropshire (West Midlands). The ammonia measurements are taken from a set of ALPHA (R) (Adapted Low-cost Passive High Absorption) samplers from July to December in the year 2018. The sites were established in order to monitor ammonia during implementation of Site Nitrogen Action Plan (SNAP), as part of the Marches Mosses BogLIFE project. This project aims to restore Britain's third largest lowland raised bog within the Fenn’s, Whixall & Bettisfield Mosses and Wem Moss National Nature Reserves near Whitchurch, Shropshire and Wrexham in Wales. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset models bee nectar plant richness across Great Britain (GB). It uses counts of bee nectar plants (using a list agreed with experts) in Countryside Survey area vegetation plots in 2007 and extrapolates to 1km squares across GB using a generalised additive mixed model. Co-variables used in the model are Broad Habitat (the dominant broad habitat of the 1km square), air temperature, nitrogen deposition, precipitation and altitude. This data provides a metric of the Natural Capital associated with pollination, although to measure the service itself you would require additional datasets. Understanding the distribution of bee nectar plants does provide valuable information on the potential distribution of pollinators and hence pollination. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • Results of a survey undertaken in 2018 involving a range of open and closed questions intended to elicit local residents’ values they attach to the importance of coastal attributes and their perceptions of various tidal and wave energy development characteristics. Three case study sites were selected: Weston-super-Mare, Minehead, and the Taw-Torridge Estuary, South-West UK. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • The dataset consists of long-term vegetation monitoring data from the Hard Hill burning plots sited in the Moor House - Upper Teesdale National Nature Reserve, Cumbria. An experiment to investigate the effects of rotational burning and grazing was initiated in 1954, consisting of a replicated block layout. Initial vegetation recording was carried out in 1961 and 1965 using a quadrat method and DOMIN scale. In 1972 onwards, vegetation was recorded using a pin frame. Data were recorded by staff from the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and its predecessors. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset contains home range size, habitat availability and selection ratio data, calculated from GPS data fixes collected from individual European nightjars, in four concurrent years (2015-2018). Home ranges are 95% areas of use, presented in hectares. Habitat availability data are presented as the percentage (%) of each habitat category (n = 6, pooled from 14 original habitat types) available to each individual within their 95% home range. Selection ratios are Manly Selection Ratios for 14 habitat types and express the extent to which each habitat type is used by each individual bird, compared to how much of it is available. Selection Ratios >1 express positive selection – i.e. used more than expected, given availability. Selection Ratios <1 express avoidance – i.e. used less than expected, given availability. Full details about this dataset can be found at